You're the Lead

And your runner's message

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!

As we head into the weekend, I hope there are good things ahead of you. Whether you’ve purposefully put them there, or the universe just drops them on your lap.

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • You're the Lead in the Universe's Plan

  • Story: We Are So Lucky

  • Divine Masculine Message: I Stand Before You, Vulnerable And Strong

  • Twin Flame Signs: Owl

You are an extension of the cosmos, dancing in the rhythm of love and life.

Daily Goddess Guidance

You're the Lead in the Universe's Plan

In your twin flame journey, trust is key.

Just like a rollercoaster, the path to divine union is not a straight line. It's a thrilling adventure with unexpected twists.

Your spirit guides are cheering you on, embracing each loop with a knowing smile. The Universe has drafted a masterful plan, and you are the lead character in this epic tale.

Remember to embrace each twist and turn as you navigate this wild ride. Your twin flame connection is a transformative force, propelling you toward growth at every steep drop and sharp corner.

Trust in your process. It is the safety bar holding you safe.

The journey may be wild, but you are never alone. Your guides, your twin flame, and the Universe itself are with you, ensuring that every scream is matched with laughter and every scare with a lesson learned.

Stay bold, fellow travelers. The ride is designed for your ascension.

Story: We Are So Lucky

13 years. We were missing all of these things out of fear.

Yesterday you said:

It feels like a wormhole in time. To meet again. It feels like no day passed. Except I love you more.

I love you too.

I never knew this was what it felt like to sleep with you. To wake up with you everyday.

But mostly, when you hold me at night in bed, I listen to your heart beating, and it makes me feel whole.

Divine Masculine Message: I Stand Before You, Vulnerable And Strong

If you find this message, it was sent to you for a reason. A message from the DM to the DF to help reach physical union. ❤️

My love,

I need you to see me as I truly am.

I’ve let go of toxic masculinity and the urge to always be in control. I’ve faced my own inner struggles, leaving behind the pressure to act like ‘the alpha masculine’ society expects.

It’s been a long road, filled with self-discovery and growth, to become the person I want to be for you.

Twin Flame Signs: Owl

If an owl constantly tries to get your attention, what does it mean for your twin flame journey? What message is the universe trying to send you, and (more importantly) how can it help you reach union?

An owl is a symbol that demands your immediate attention and not one you want to delay because the message from the universe is often timely.

Think of this animal messager as your guide, here to illuminate your path.

Tools for Your Journey ⚡️

We can’t make the journey to union for you, but we can make some suggestions to make life easier.

Collective Review of the Day ❤️

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