You’re Coming Together

And loving others in the meantime

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • Collective Reading: You’re Coming Together

  • Loving Others When Your Heart Belongs to a Twin Flame

  • Trust in Divine Timing

Twin Flame Collective Reading: You’re Coming Together

In today’s reading, Carla saw two pairs of mirroring cards in mirroring positions, talk about being in sync with each other!

She’s seeing a fast track towards harmonizing with each other, and with a divine union frequency, you’re right on track and making quick progress.

Loving Others When Your Heart Belongs to a Twin Flame

Feeling nauseated at the thought of being with someone else? We asked some collective members last week about their experience of trying to date other people during separation.

Many find the pull of their twin flame so intense that moving on feels impossible.

Whenever I tried to move on, I was instantly reminded of my twin and ended up pushing others away. This visceral reaction is a sign: you're deeply connected to your twin flame.

I stopped trying to force new relationships. Each time I did, the universe seemed to offer a potential love interest immediately.

However, I quickly realized these encounters weren’t what I needed. Instead, they helped me fine-tune my understanding of what I deserve in a relationship.

I am loyal to my twin flame, not by avoiding others but by recognizing my twin as my guiding light for love. His energetic presence has helped me understand how to receive affection and prepare for the right relationship, whether with my twin or someone else.

If you find yourself physically sick, don't force a connection with anyone right now. Spend time with yourself, friends, family, and pets. Cultivate these relationships and the one you have with yourself.

Moving on doesn’t always mean connecting with someone else. Sometimes, it means letting go of internal baggage and allowing yourself to heal.

We start to understand ourselves better.

You might wonder, "Why won’t the universe let me move on?" Your twin is on their path, and it might appear they're happy, but looks can be deceiving.

You can't move on because your counterpart is triggering essential work within you. Your twin has free will, and their journey is unique. Just because they seem to move forward doesn’t mean you should.

This period of solitude might be necessary for your growth.

For the chasers out there, this time is likely teaching you to be more settled and contained in who you are.

Don't close off to new relationships. Non-romantic connections can profoundly impact your healing journey. The love from friends and family can help you understand your twin’s perspective and facilitate your internal healing.

Trust in Divine Timing

Sometimes, the journey feels endless. You may wonder if you missed your chance. But remember, what’s meant for you will find you.

Even when it feels like it has already passed, divine timing is at play. Trust the universe's plan for you and your twin flame.

Separation can be tough. Doubts can creep in. Yet, your paths are intertwined, destined to meet again.

Hold on to faith. The universe has a way of reuniting souls meant to be together. Stay strong and believe in the power of your connection.

Make Real Change on Your Love Story ❤️

Don’t get stuck in the endless cycle of separation. These are some things you can do to help further your path and make real change.

Collective Review of the Day ❤️

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