Do Twin Flames Share Birth Charts?

And our Samhain twin flame event coming up

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!

As the weekend approaches (and we are somewhat back on schedule here at TFC), I thought I’d share a quick reminder. I know we say this often, but it doesn’t hurt to hear it occasionally.

The twin flame journey is never about focusing on the difficult parts of the journey. It’s not about the longing, the ghosting or whatever else we experience in separation.

I know those parts suck. I know.

But look beyond that to what the journey is truly about. Empowering and growing yourself. The relationship at the end of this path is just icing on the cake.

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • Samhain Event 🎃

  • Stuff You Might Have Missed 😬

  • Do Twin Flames Have the Same Chart? 🙋‍♀️

I carry the ember of our twin flame bond in my heart, and every day, it ignites with passion and purpose.

Daily Goddess Guidance

Samhain Event 🎃

Ignite the eternal bond with your twin flame on the mystical night of Samhain through our Energy Breakthrough Workshop!

Carla is leading a special energy workshop in a few days, and we’ve got a seat ready for you.

As the veil between realms thins, this workshop opens the gate to a higher understanding and profound connection with your divine counterpart.

The ancient Gaelic festival, marking winter's onset, sets a perfect stage for a deeper exploration of the twin flame journey. As nature transitions into winter, we too will delve into the uncharted territories of spiritual bonding that await.

Harnessing the potent energies of Samhain, our workshop aims to propel you and your twin flame toward higher vibrational realms. Together, we'll tap into the primal forces beckoning our souls toward union, creating a conduit for profound spiritual interactions.

The sacred night of Samhain, with its ancient rhythms, will be our ally in this spiraling journey toward divine union. As the world embraces winter's quietude, we'll stir the cauldron of transformation, forging a quantum leap in our pursuit of twin flame connection.

It’s a night of endless possibilities and the session will be available to our Twin Flame Collective Pro members in just a couple more days.

Stuff You Might Have Missed 😬

You never know what might ‘click’ and change things for your journey. Did you miss any of these from earlier in the week?

Do Twin Flames Have Similar Birth Charts? 🙋‍♀️

Twin flames have many things in common, but do they have the exact same birth chart? Same star sign? Same date of birth?

Is this an easy way to confirm a true twin flame connection, or do we have to look a little deeper?

Birth charts are calculated based on your date, place, and time of birth. They are a collection of markers of your current 3D human experience. Will your natal charts look the same, or does compatibility mean looking elsewhere?

Tools for Your Journey ⚡️

We can’t make the journey to union for you, but we can make some suggestions to make life easier.

Collective Review of the Day ❤️

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