💖Twin Flame Energy Forecast: May 1st - 7th 💞

Riding the Twin Flame Express

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!

I hope this email finds you ready to take on the week ahead and show the universe what you’ve got.

Today we have:

  • The energy forecast for the week ahead (and the May deep dive for each sign ) 🧘‍♀️

  • Column🗞️: The Twin Flame Express

  • Q&A: Why Do You Keep Talking About the Universe? 🤔

Real and true connections are only seen in those who are unafraid to be raw and exposed. Opening themselves up and revealing their innermost truth to another.

Intimacy and true love comes from cracking open your hard outer shell and embracing the deepest parts of yourself.

Being true to yourself. Being true to others.

Daily Goddess Guidance

Astrologic Energy Update For The Collective: May 1st - May 7th ⚡️

Not only do we have an interesting week for the twin flame collective, but we’ve also got our first-ever monthly deep dive for each sign.

My suggestion would be to take a journaling session with your own forecast and refer back to it throughout the month (or each week as we do our weekly forecasts).

With Pluto's retrograde dance, spiritual awakenings and revelations may arise, though tensions may accompany them. The celestial support of Sun-Mercury conjunction and Mars-Uranus sextile brings clarity and creative solutions.

Embrace the Divine Feminine energy upgrade and face shadows courageously. This week holds potential for deep connections, growth, and healing.

Take advantage of this guidance. You never know what small changes might have a big impact on your roadmap to union.

Extra: If you’re a member of Twin Flame Collective Pro, you can also see our deep dive for each sign in May.

Column🗞️: The Twin Flame Express (and Surviving the Journey)

I feel like I should have a quick disclaimer on today. The twin flame journey is wonderful.

Besides the most intense and mind-blowing connection, the journey awakens and empowers things within you that you could never have dreamed possible.

But I think most of us can agree - it isn't always easy.

Think of the twin flame journey as a magical rollercoaster ride. There are twists, turns, moments of pure exhilaration... and sometimes you lose a shoe.

The “Twin Flame Express” rollercoaster is an exhilarating ride full of unexpected twists, turns, and loop-de-loops.

The wind is in your hair, and your heart is pounding. You have no idea what’s coming next, but you’re strapped in, and there’s no turning back now.

You need to trust that the roller coaster has some tracks in front of you. You need to trust that the guard rails are there for a reason.

In today’s column, we’re looking at surviving and thriving on the twin flame journey. No, it isn’t always easy but that’s why this journey is so rare and important.

Twin Flame Q&A 🤔: Why Do You Keep Talking About the Universe?

I joined to hear about my twin flame… why do you keep talking about the universe?

Some of you will know this one already, but sometimes a little reminder is useful.

The reason we often talk about the universe is a twin flame journey is not a normal relationship. And we can’t treat it like one.

The connection goes beyond what you see here in the physical (3D) realm. We don’t do normal dating advice and chat-up lines to send them because that’s just not what this is about.

The twin flame relationships are divinely orchestrated and so closely tied to our personal and collective growth as spiritual beings. By keeping the universe’s role in mind, we gain cosmic guidance and synchronicities that can further our path to union.

You are important. Your twin is important. Looking at the bigger picture doesn’t take away from that.

It helps you move things along.

If you’d like to see your question on the next twin flame Q&A, you can submit it here or on the Twin Flame Collective forum.

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