đź’–Twin Flame Energy Forecast: Apr 10th-16th đź’ž

A look at the week ahead

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit! I hope you’re ready to embrace this new week and the opportunities it will bring you.

We’ve got some powerful energies this week, so let’s just get into it:

  • The energy forecast for the week ahead (with some big surges) 🌟

  • You're Not Dying You're Just Waking Up (Audiobook đź“•)

  • Q&A: Can I ask for signs in a dream?

Astrologic Energy Update For The Collective: April 10th - 16th

Heads up, twin flames!

We’re in for some powerful energy shifts this week.

Since Neptune is in the sign of Pisces (a landmark sign of twin flame journeys) until March 2025, many twins will likely experience their flame awakening. It’s an energetic wave that started on February 18, 2023, and it’s only going to gain traction as time goes on.

With Venus in Gemini as of April 11, twin flame connections are going through a powerful surge of Divine Feminine energy awakening, particularly. But flame awakenings in general, are also going to be super-boosted this week, so brace yourselves.

This might mean some big changes in your own journey. Especially if your twin is a runner.

Gemini is one of the main astrological signs and symbols for twin flame connections. When Venus, the symbol of Divine Feminine energy, transits into this sign, it’s going to activate all of the abundant, creative, flirty, sensual, and also communicative resources within.

The good news is that Venus in Gemini is the best time to work through issues and get help via therapy, counseling, energy healing, or any other method your intuition guides you towards. It’s a great time to focus your efforts on everything that centers around Divine Feminine energy.

Any discussions, confessions, or negotiations fueled by creativity, prosperity, abundance, and intuition can go very well since Gemini is the sign of communicational skills. With the seductive and alluring presence of Venus, it’s going to make twins all the more charming, engaging, persuasive, and fascinating.

If you’ve been pondering whether to confess your feelings to your mirror soul or not, this might be a great time to do it. You’re probably going to find them more open to your feelings and more comfortable about sharing their own.

Don’t put off confessing your feelings or having important discussions in your twin flame relationship. Mercury, the planet of communication and exchange of ideas, will retrograde on April 21. The best time to discuss things is this week since the next time Mercury is direct is about a month from now, in May.

But this week, Venus goes through more than the transit into Gemini. It’s also involved in a trine with Pluto (situated in Aquarius) on April 11 and a square with Saturn (situated in Pisces) on April 14-15.

As the planet of power, change, hidden things, and transformation, Pluto further supports any Divine Feminine efforts to do shadow work, inner child work, or any troubleshooting related to the subtler energetic dynamics in our lives.

Basking in Aquarius’s revolutionary and collective-oriented energy, Pluto can be the driving force behind very meaningful changes in twin flame journeys.

The planet of the unexpected and the element of surprise, Uranus which is situated in Taurus brings to the table inspired and out-of-the-box ideas, novel perspectives, and the ability to make your own path. Working with that energy, Venus in Gemini, helps you find the best answers to issues you might have been struggling with for some time.

And you might also find that whoever else is involved in or affected by those issues is going to be more open to discussing those potential solutions and putting them into practice. Twin flame relationships can get the chance to finally overcome some blockages that they might’ve been dealing with for a while.

Venus square Saturn might seem like tough energy to navigate for some. Saturn is the ruler of karmic processes, learning valuable lessons and feeling the consequences of our actions (good and bad alike).

The tense energy of this square is all the likelier to trigger karmic issues, emphasize the need for shadow work, and bring up inner child issues which might have been plaguing your Feminine energy in particular for some time.

If there are repressed or ignored blockages you’ve been trying to avoid or bury deep down in your soul, expect them to bubble up to the surface this week. You might realize that you and your twin have been struggling with a hidden mother wound.

Don’t let that worry you, though. With Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, you’ve got inspiration, intuition, prophetic dreams, and your third eye chakra working at full force to support you in getting out of any tough spot.

With Mars in Cancer, Chiron in Aries, and the Moon activating Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces this week, there are plenty of planetary transits that favor Divine Masculine healing. It could also mean it’s likely to see unresolved issues related to toxic masculinity coming to the surface, though.

But Divine Masculine energies can also feel called to connect with their Feminine energies more and more. They’ll likely register a growing sense of desire for deep emotional communion, and not just emotional. Twin flame sexual energy might register a significant spike, hehe!

Be prepared for more telepathic and/or dream contact with your divine counterpart as well. That could throw you off your game if you’re not used to it. Make no mistake, that type of energy exchange is only going to become more and more intense until March 2025, when Neptune transits out of Pisces.

In other good news, the Sun is conjunct with Jupiter around April 11-12. Jupiter, the master of amplification, is in the proud and daring sign of Aries. That will boost your sense of personal power and inner light, which the Sun so brilliantly represents.

Since Lilith is in Leo, some ego issues will likely be triggered too. But the healing energy of Chiron in Aries can work wonders for resolving or at least smoothing over the tensions triggered by other planetary transits.

You’re likely to find it easier to embrace your authentic selves and, in turn, the authentic selves of your twin flames. It’s an excellent time for self-expression and consolidating your confidence within yourselves, your twins, your journeys, and your sacred missions to achieve divine union.

I know, it seems like there’s a lot going on. Looking on the bright side, you’ll get a chance to catch your breath next week…until the hybrid eclipse of April 20, that is. But we’ll talk more about that next week.

Until then, safe travels on the energetic waves, dear collective. Blessings, and may the stars guide you well!

We’ve Been Reading 📕: You're Not Dying, You're Just Waking Up

It seems like there’s a new spirituality book coming out every day. But very few are actually useful for twin flames.

Most have too much fluff and not enough substance for actual, actionable advice. When we saw the tagline, we knew this might speak to those of us on the twin flame journey. Especially anyone in separation.

Maybe you’re dissatisfied with what you’ve been told you “should be”. Maybe you know there’s something bigger out there, waiting for you, but the people in your life just don’t understand. Maybe you feel crazy or alone…

You can find the book (or audiobook) and what we think of it here.

Twin Flame Q&A đź“–: Asking for Signs in a Dream

I read about people meeting their twin flame in a dream and using that to spend time together or communicate about how to further things in the 3D.

But what about seeing signs in dreams or asking for signs in a dream? How can I do it and how do I understand the answer?

Dreams can definitely give us an insight into the journey. They can let us tap into our subconscious thoughts, and (as you say) they’re one of the earliest ways we connect with our mirror soul when physically separated.

They might unlock things you already know (but hadn’t consciously accepted), or they can let you connect with guides and learn something that unlocks your next steps.

To do this:

  • Set your intention before going to bed. Visualize your twin flame and try to connect with their energy. No screens (this includes your phone).

  • Keep a dream journal. Keep a notebook next to your bed and jot down your dreams the moment you wake up. The more you do this, the better your dream retention will become.

  • Look for patterns and symbols. Dreams communicate as the universe does. They bury deep meanings in symbolism and patterns. They don’t speak in plain English.

  • When you start noticing characters, places, patterns or anything that keeps repeating. Pay attention. The more you notice, the more they will unfold the meaning.

  • Be open to interpretation. Things are often not what we first expect in a dream. We sometimes talk about specific meanings of certain signs for twin flames - but context is always important. Small details can have a big impact on the meaning. This brings me to the most important bit of advice.

  • Trust your intuition. The strongest tool a twin flame has.

You can always Google the meanings of specific things in dreams. (Sometimes someone has even covered what they can mean for twin flames) but these are never rules.

Take them as guidelines to get started, and let your intuition guide you from there.

If you’d like to see your question on the next twin flame Q&A, you can submit it here.

Get in touch with us! 📧

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