💖Twin Flame Energy Forecast: Sept 18th - Sept 24th 💞

And understanding the twin flame soul tie

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!

With every message we receive, it's evident that the twin flame journey is both intricate and enlightening.

Remember to cherish each moment; they're all integral to your beautiful story.

Today, we have:

  • The energy forecast for the week ahead ❤️💜

  • The Twin Flame Soul Tie 🪢

  • When Your Twin Flame Doesn't Want You ❤️‍🩹 ▶️

Your existence is a sacred symphony, orchestrated by the divine to resonate with peace, love, and harmony.

Daily Goddess Guidance

Astrologic Energy Update For The Collective: Sept 18th - Sept 24th ❤️💜

This is a week of powerful energy shifts, dear collective. Issues can come to light. But they also give you the opportunity to heal and overcome them. Karmic rewards in particular can come in with the Equinox.

On September 18, the Moon activates Scorpio. Secrets and things you’re not consciously aware of can come to light. You can gain clarity on karmic or toxic behavior patterns like lying, cheating, or manipulating.

The Sun is opposed to Neptune retrograde on the 19th. Maybe you’re not that inspired to find the solutions to the issues that came up. But things start to become clearer when you look at them from a different perspective.

You can also use our twin flame birth chart calculator or deep dive for each sign this month to help chart your path to union.

The Twin Flame Soul Tie 🪢

Your twin flame soul tie is the basis of your twin flame connection. It’s also called the twin flame energy cord. This is an unbreakable and everlasting energetic connection that is part of your soul and of your twin flame’s soul.

There’s only one way that your twin flame soul tie can come to an end. It’s not by cord-cutting, in case you’re wondering. The only way your soul tie comes to an end is for you and your twin flame to reach divine union.

When Your Twin Flame Doesn't Want You ❤️‍🩹 ▶️

Collective Review of the Day ❤️

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