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- 💖Twin Flame Energy Forecast: June 26th - Jul 2nd 💞
💖Twin Flame Energy Forecast: June 26th - Jul 2nd 💞
And signs your twin flame is blind to the connection

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!
I hope you feel empowered and ready to further your journey this week. Know that the community is rooting for you. ❤️💜💙
Today we have:
The energy forecast for the week ahead 🪐✨
Take Control of Your Twin Flame Journey
Thinking of Your Twin Flame While With Someone Else 📕

Draw strength from the collective around you, for the divine spirit thrives on connection, compassion, and mutual support.
Astrologic Energy Update For The Collective: Jun 26th - Jul 2nd ⚡️
The last week of June is very active, dear collective.
You can see this week’s forecast here.
There’s a Mars-Uranus square on June 26. Divine Masculines in particular, might feel at a loss. Things could seem too complicated or even overwhelming. You might find it harder to come up with solutions.
But then comes the June 27 Mercury-North Node sextile. Communication starts flowing and can help with resolving issues.
You might be more open to discussing your true destiny or accepting it. Runners could have discussions, therapy, or counseling sessions that help them realize their true life purpose.
Extra: If you’re a member of Twin Flame Collective Pro, you can also see our deep dive for each sign in June.
Take Control of Your Twin Flame Journey

This weekend, all of us here at TFC have been working hard on a new tool we’re incredibly excited about.
Combining the Law of Attraction with something similar to our recent twin flame test (and a lot of audio), we’re creating something to let the universe channel messages from your twin whenever you want.
We’re hoping to have that ready this week, but it has meant we don’t have a full column for you today.
So I’d like to leave you with this short reminder.
Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result. Make a different choice.
Another way to put this (and one I like a lot) is what got you here, won’t get you there.
I’ve seen all sorts of timelines on the twin flame journey. Some seem to fly through their journey, while most take some time to find their feet. What we hate to see is when someone falls into this period of perpetual separation.
When things don’t move forward, they stagnate. Progress doesn’t just happen when you’re sitting on your hands.
The community members we see that are furthering their journey and seeing real improvements all have one thing in common. They’re taking ownership of their journey.
Learn from their experiences and examples. We have a basics guide on how to speed up your journey, or for those who already know what they need to do, take this as a gentle reminder for the week ahead.
Make the changes you need to see. You’ve got this. 💜
Thinking of Your Twin Flame While With Someone Else 📕
This week’s twin flame story from Jamie differs slightly from others we’ve shared. While in an agreed-on separation from their twin flame, they spend time with a soulmate instead… but their twin flame connection is still there.
Oh my gosh, guys! I have been separated for several months now and kind of have an agreement with my TF that we will spend time working to love ourselves.
But I have spent the weekend with what I can only describe as my soulmate. There for my positive vibes and energy and to teach me something but not the same as my TF.
So, I’m having a great time with this person, who’s not my twin flame, but rather my best friend and we have chemistry. We’re super happy together, making plans and exploring a new city hand in hand.
You can read the full story here, but I’m curious what you think of their experience.
There are a lot of different opinions about the idea of spending time with someone else when you’re separated from your twin. Some can’t stand the idea, while others find a connection like this to help further them.
What do you think?
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