💖Twin Flame Energy Forecast: Apr 24th-30th 💞

And the common mistakes you can avoid.

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!

I look forward to writing this email all weekend. I hope it finds you empowered and ready to manifest your desires this week.

Today we have:

  • The energy forecast for the week ahead (deep-rooted shifts ) 🔥

  • Seven mistakes we see twin flames make (and how to avoid them) ❤️‍🩹

  • Q&A: Connecting Through Music? 🎶

Astrologic Energy Update For The Collective: April 24th - 30th 🔥

Are you ready for an active week twin flames?

There are some rare combinations this week.

The energy suggests communication issues this week. That could mean a misunderstanding or complete radio silence. But there’s also an opportunity here.

Sometimes the blockage holding you back isn’t obvious until it’s staring you in the face. The Divine masculine is going to have their attention drawn to the throat chakra and maybe that’s huge for them.

But there’s also work for the divine feminine to be looking at.

The Moon is activating the signs of Cancer, Leo, and Virgo this week. It’s a powerful energetic combination. Let us know how these energies fit into your journey this week.

7 Common Twin Flame Mistakes (And How YOU Can Avoid Them) ❤️‍🩹

Writing with the Twin Flame Collective can be a lot of work. But it puts us in a uniquely privileged position to see a lot of stories.

We hear from people at every stage of their journey.

Some are just starting to seek their mirror soul, and they know something is out there. Some have met here in the 3D and are going through difficult separation stages. Some have learned every lesson and come out the other side.

We’re always touched when a twin flame shares their story with us. We share them once a week here because they can inspire and guide others on the path.

It also lets us see patterns in what works and what doesn’t and pass that on to you. As always, you should take what resonates and leave behind what doesn’t.

Every single journey is unique, but these are the common mistakes we see people make early on.

Mistake 1: Thinking You’re the Only One Struggling in Your Connection

Focusing on how your mirror soul just “doesn’t get it” and you’re the one having to do all the work.

Avoiding this mistake:

Understanding that they’re not trying to hurt you.

It’s incredibly frustrating when you can see the level of connection clear as day, and they’re not responding in a way that makes sense.

I wish I could make this part easier.

The truth is we need to learn to accept that the runner is struggling. It often manifests very differently than the chaser's struggle, but they’re not coping any better.

In some ways, they might have it worse. A runner is faced with the same turbulent emotions and energies, but they have nothing to equate it to. This is why they often misdirect their feelings.

Mistake 2: Chasing on the Physical Level

I don’t mean physically chasing them down the street (although that qualifies). I mean focusing too much on the time you spend together, the messages you send or stalking their social media.

Avoiding this mistake:

Understanding that this only brings pressure.

Trust me. Nobody at Twin Flame Collective will judge you for looking at their social media. We’ve all been there.

But as much as it might give us a few minutes of relief not to see them post a photo with a karmic, it can absolutely hold you back from reaching union in the long run.

Mistake 3: Perpetual Waiting

This one can take several different forms.

We might think that we’re ‘doing the work’ in a broad sense without actually doing anything about it.

We might just be stagnating. Sitting back and waiting for your twin flame to ‘figure it out’ for the universe to deliver.

Avoiding this mistake:

Get out there and kick some butt.

Twin flames are so incredibly powerful. One way or another, we all learn that eventually. But sitting in this ‘perpetual waiting’ phase means we often squander this limitless ability for far too long.

I’m not saying you forget about your twin flame journey.

I’m never saying you forget about your twin flame.

I’m saying you fight stagnation tooth and nail. You never sit in a toxic situation and accept that’s how things are.

Engage in your personal life mission. The universe wants you to succeed. Sometimes you need to start putting one foot in front of the other and watch obstacles get out of your way.

4 More Mistakes…

I’m trying to not fill your inbox with long rambles but there’s just so much to cover on the twin flame journey.

If you’d like to see the full list, we’ve covered them here. Including mistake 4 which is about both ignoring external signs and relying too heavily on them.

Twin Flame Q&A 📖: Connecting Through Music

Does anyone else connect to their twin flame through music? Certain messages in lyrics or ‘our song’ playing at strange times?

We haven’t talked about twin flame telepathy much in the newsletter yet but we really should.

We hear the term and think of the Hollywood-style messages showing up in our minds. (And for some twin flames this is the case).

But the universe rarely speaks with just words and I really am surprised that we don’t talk about this more often because it’s not that uncommon. Especially if you’re both already passionate about music.

It can take a whole lot of different forms.

  • Synchronicity drawing your attention to something (or someone) like hearing a song that means something to you in a public place.

  • A song just being stuck in your head for no reason because your twin flame was listening to it. This is somehow more annoying than getting a song stuck in your own head.

  • A song could be playing as background noise but then a certain line in the lyrics just stands out to you.

This can be especially potent if you (or your twin flame) are musicians because it makes for a more natural love language.

If you’d like to see your question on the next twin flame Q&A, you can submit it here.

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