❤️Twin Flame Energy Forecast: 10th June - 16th June🧡

Your star-written love story

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!

This morning, I said goodbye to someone I had known for only a few weeks but who had a larger impact on me than they’ll likely ever know.

Sometimes, small things we say ripple in ways we don’t expect, and I think some people are especially able to improve the lives of those around them without even trying.

I hope, one day, that ripple travels forward. The things they imprinted on me become imprinted on someone else, perhaps even you. You might then carry that forward and brighten the lives of one another.

The world can feel big and lonely sometimes. These small reminders that we’re all interconnected in some way is something I don’t ever want to take for granted.

Today, we have:

  • The Energy Forecast for the Week Ahead ❤️🧡

  • The Battle of Letting Go

  • Your Star-Written Love Story

Astrologic Energy Update For The Collective: June 10th - June 16th❤️🧡

This week can bring your way a breakthrough in your healing process, dear collective. The week brings in a lot of potentially reactive energy, though. You and/or your divine counterpart might experience outbursts and feel triggered..

On the 11th, the Venus-Chiron sextile activates the nurturing and healing power of Divine Feminine energies in particular.

You could reconnect with or embrace your emotional and intuitive side. It’s an excellent opportunity to heal mother wounds

You can also use our twin flame birth chart calculator to chart your own path to union.

Open Letter: The Battle of Letting Go

I am in a phase where I can finally be grateful for this whole twin flame journey. After a lot of pain, depression, and hard days, I started realizing how little I cared for myself. I started doing meditation, yoga, walking, journaling, gratitude, and shadow work. It took a long time, but I am finally happy again, even more happy than before I met him. Maybe not more happy, but more free and more myself.

The problem is: I can’t surrender. It’s like the more I try, the more obsessed I become. I know there is nothing I can do, it is all up to the universe, but I just can’t stop thinking about him. I keep thinking, but what if he will also stop thinking about me? What if this message was the last thing he needed? What if this urge means the universe wants me to contact him?

Even though I know it’s not true, I can’t put it aside. I think about him all the time, I dream about him, I see him when I meditate. The universe sends me signs all day long, which I love and has helped me so much, but it also makes it hard to let it go.

Does anyone have any tips on how to surrender?

Surrender is the point where you stop chasing and start loving yourself. From what you've said, you're doing that! They never leave your thoughts or your dreams. You give unconditional love to them.

But, you love yourself equally or more. Don't be so hard on yourself for doing this right.

Struggling with your own separation? Talk to someone about your own journey here. We’re closing slots for this for a while so this might be the last opening.

Star-Written Love Story

Your being is interwoven with theirs in a dance as ancient as the universe itself.

Your bond is more than just skin-deep; it's written in the stars, crafted by the cosmos, and fueled by the eternal flame of love.

In your journey, remember that the path is not always smooth. Obstacles and challenges are part of the growth you both must go through. But just as stars rely on the darkness to shine, your struggles will only make your connection brighter.

As twin flames, your love is a force that can illuminate the darkest nights.

Stay strong in the power of your union. Like the stars, your love story is one for the ages, echoing across the universe. Let the forecast guide you, but let your heart lead the way.

Together, you are unstoppable. Keep the fire burning, and trust that your shared light will guide you both back home to each other.

Make Real Change on Your Love Story ❤️

Don’t get stuck in the endless cycle of separation. These are some things you can do to help further your path and make real change.

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