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- Take the Test & How The Runner Feels
Take the Test & How The Runner Feels
Have you met your twin flame?

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!
I felt like heading into the weekend with a little extra this week.
Like everyone, the team working at the Twin Flame Collective has highs and lows in vibration and energy. Some of your feedback over the last week just makes our hearts soar.
The last two months of putting this community together have been a lot of painstaking work, but we feel like we’re finally finding our groove. And we couldn’t have done it without you.
So thank you for being here and joining us on your journey. We hope you get as much out of this as we do.
And with that soppiness out of the way, here’s what we have for you today:
Have You Met Your Twin Flame? (Take the Test) 💯
How Does the Twin Flame Runner Feel? 🤷♀️
A Twin Flame Story from Rowan 📕

The divine within you whispers, reminding you to love yourself unconditionally, just as the moon loves the night
Remember! Twin Flame Collective Pro members no longer need to wait for the Friday email to get their extended reading. It’s now instantly available with your Wednesday reading.
Have You Met Your Twin Flame? (Take the Test) 💯
This is not your average relationship quiz. It’s focused on trying to figure out if you have met your twin or not (and giving actionable advice on furthering your path to union).
Have you met your twin? Take the test here.
This test is an exploration, an adventure, and a journey of self-discovery.
Carefully designed to help you uncover the most profound bonds you might have experienced. Drawing on our collective experience and years of working with the community.
Remember! There’s only so much an automated test like this will tell us. But between the Law of Attraction and our many, years of combined experience… we can hopefully point you in the right direction at least.
You can take the test here. Let us know what you think and what your results were!

How Does the Twin Flame Runner Feel? 🤷♀️
(And why you might want to cut them some slack)
That’s what today’s column is looking at.
While the energy between you might be scaring the runner away for the moment, it can also be our best tool to bring them back.
It’s easy to villainize the runner. Understandable even. A lot of people blame their runner. But understanding what they’re dealing with might really help get through a separation.
You can read the full thing here.
A Twin Flame Story from Rowan 📕
This week’s story comes from Rowan. A community member sharing their experience, and I think there are some important takeaways for all of us. ❤️💜💙
I’ve experienced profound love more than once. I’ve met some soulmates before — it would be lovely to confirm what I already know.
My twin flame journey is not a breeze in the park. While I am an Air element, the twin flame journey is not without density. Since mid-late February of this year, I’ve shared an intimate, deep, beautiful, and intense connection with a peer. He confirmed that he felt connected to me from his heart.
So did I. His energy pulsated in my body. Whenever I thought about him, he’d appear. We could not ignore each other.
You can read the full story here. If you’d like to submit your own story, just reply to this email or check out the story section on the Twin Flame Collective forum.
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We don’t bite!
The Twin Flame Collective isn’t just about us telling you what we think. If you’d like to contribute your thoughts, advice, experience, story, twin flame memes, or you just want someone to vent to?
Hit that reply button. Get in touch.