Raising Your Connection’s Frequency

And your past lives together

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!

I’d like to remind you that your twin flame journey is not just about finding your other half but also about finding yourself.

Amid the challenges and the triumphs, never forget the extraordinary individual that you are.

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • A Tarot Spread for the Collective (Video session 📺)

  • Past Lives With Your Twin Flame ⭐️

  • Be Open

Your inner glow is the beacon in the cosmic dance, guiding you towards fulfillment and enlightenment.

Daily Goddess Guidance

Twin Flame Collective Reading (Video 📹)

A new reading for the twin flame collective this week.

We’re looking at the raising frequency between the two of you (and how you can activate a higher level of commitment).

The energy is vibrant, loving, and full of connection. It’s something many of us have been working on, both spiritually and in our 3D lives.

And guess what? It’s showing progress!

Past Lives With Your Twin Flame ⭐️

As a twin flame, your connection transcends time and space and it’s very likely you’ve both connected in at least one past life. Understanding your twin flame past lives can help unlock your path forward.

Some schools of thought suggest you don’t need to worry about your past experiences together outside of this life.

Maybe there’s something to that. Staying mindful and present on your path allows you to focus on healing and progressing your path.

But there’s an old cliché that applies here.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

George Santayana

Understanding your past connections together can give you an insight into your current path and your future together.

Be Open

Being open to learning is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and the twin flame journey. Recognizing that we're not always right allows us to stay teachable and receptive to new insights.

As twin flames, we often mirror each other's wounds, behaviors, and lessons. Sometimes, this mirroring may challenge our beliefs and perspectives. However, these instances are not conflicts but opportunities to learn and grow.

Staying teachable in such situations helps us cultivate understanding, compassion, and deepens our connection. It enables us to evolve personally and aids in the collective growth of our twin flame union.

So, twin flames, let's embrace the mindset of being teachable. This openness not only enriches our journey but also brings us closer to our shared goal of spiritual growth and unconditional love.

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