You Can Access This (Together)

And trying to explain the level of your bond.

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • Collective Reading: You Can Access This

  • Without You

  • Can You Explain This?

Twin Flame Collective Reading: You Can Access This

In today’s reading, Carla is looking at the Divine Feminine energy specific wounds present in your bond.

Your twin is lending you their energy. Supporting you to heal and move beyond these wounds. They’re trying to help you be ready for the next step together.

Without You?

My world would come crashing down without you. It sounds crazy when I write it out. Because you're not supposed to feel this deeply for a friend.

But today I learned that our paths might separate soon, and the thought of that feels catastrophic to me.

Never seeing you again would be devastating, if I'm being honest with myself. I don't know why and can't explain my feelings for you at all. But to say my heart would break is an understatement. It wouldn't just break, it would shatter.

After all this time I haven't been able to let you go out of my heart. I can't figure out if you've always been there or you just slipped in one day and I stumbled upon you there and went "oh, how long have you been there?".

Truth is I don't want you to leave. Truth is I think you belong there. Truth is I am starting to think we were made for each other. And I've always heard that saying and of course it sounds so corny. But I mean really, the tiny details of ourselves were delicately crafted for each other.

Made to compliment one another.

All this time we were growing and changing into who we are today to end up meeting and now here you are and how perfect you are, for me.

How I've spent all this time avoiding looking at you because seeing you makes me fall more in love with you every day, and I've been fighting it for so long trying to keep myself from going deeper into this hole I've found myself in.

The hole of loving you. Because I know I fell into it one day and I know there is no end to it, and it scares the shit out of me. It's endless and I will just be falling forever for you. Deeper and deeper every day. So I try to pull a parachute or grab a branch on the way down at an attempt to slow down or hang on to keep myself from falling deeper in love with you.

And now I know what is scarier than the depth of my love for you. Losing you. Being left in the hole. Without you. Because I don't think I'll ever be able to get out.

This raw and emotional account perfectly captures the intensity of a twin flame connection.

When people ask how they know if they’ve met the right one - this is the difference between meeting your mirror soul and someone you have a crush on.

Can You Explain This?

Sometimes, it’s easier to not even try and explain the twin flame journey.

The connection you share defies simple logic or reason. It is the silent language of the soul that whispers of a love profound and ancient.

As you navigate the ebbs and flows of this unique bond, remember, not all questions have answers that can be spoken.

Stand firm in the knowing that your love is a force of its own, moving you both towards a future where words are not needed to explain the depth of your bond. Let go of the need for explanations and surrender to the love that simply… is.

Make Real Change on Your Love Story ❤️

Don’t get stuck in the endless cycle of separation. These are some things you can do to help further your path and make real change.

Collective Review of the Day ❤️

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