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- Progression Reading & Insightful Story
Progression Reading & Insightful Story
A Reading For The Twin Flame Collective And A Story From Tiffany

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!
I hope you embrace your limitless potential today, acknowledging the divine energy you possess.
Here’s what we have for you today:
A Tarot Spread for the Collective (Video session 📺)
Twin Flame Story 📕: Never Saw This Coming!

If your journey seems to be progressing slowly, remember that spiritual growth gains momentum. The more distance you put between you and your past self, the easier you’ll find it.
Keep putting one foot in front of the other and take a moment to appreciate the work you’ve done to reach this far.
Twin Flame Collective Reading (Video 📹)

We’re looking at the energy for the twin flame collective for this week. An exciting reading that means a lot of potential shifts.
There are some interesting patterns repeating this week. The twin flame journey is never about standing still and the signs here all show healing and progression as you move toward union.
Releasing and healing after the ending of 3rd party relationships.
Dealing with impactful changes and potential losses or disappointments outside of your bond.
Emotional and physical healing.

Community Story: Wow, I Never Saw This Coming 📕
Today’s twin flame story comes from Tiffany, a community member who shared it a few weeks ago.
The way she explains some of her experiences and things she has learned along the journey so far might really help someone. It has some elements which might be familiar to you, and she gives some insight into the journey she has been on.
I would pay attention to the advice Tiffany shares as well.
My twin reminded me that I had turned off that part of myself that wants to be emotionally and intimately connected to someone. Even if that someone is MYSELF.
Understanding like this fills us with joy, knowing that she understands what the road to union means, and I can’t wait to see where it takes her.
You can read her story here.
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