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Old Cycles & New Chapters
A reading and is your runner in denial?

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!
I know it’s the middle of the week but I hope you’re feeling alive and energetic.
It’s easy to forget sometimes but the simple fact that you are on this journey (at any stage) means you have so much incredible potential to bring brightness and joy into the world.
Don’t forget that.
Here’s what we have for you today:
A Tarot Spread for the Collective (Video session 📺)
Your Higher Self Knows the Broader Picture
Twin Flame Runner Denying Their Feelings? 🙈

Understand that your counterpart's healing is your healing, mirroring the timeless bond between twin flames in their pursuit of divine love.
Twin Flame Collective Reading (Video 📹)

A new reading for the twin flame collective this week.
Sometimes the twin flame journey feels like nothing is changing. That’s what Carla is looking at today in the collective reading.
We’re seeing a real shift in frequency and an opportunity to connect on a deeper level.
There’s also some healing to do here. This a blockage that many twin flames have to face at one point or another and this moment presents an opportunity to make things easier.
For both of you.
Your Higher Self Knows the Broader Picture

Our twin flame journey can sometimes feel overwhelming. The spiritual lessons that our higher self chose for us might seem too challenging when faced head-on.
The challenges we face happen for a reason.
Remember, your higher self understands the broader picture. It knows these lessons are designed for growth, and reaching higher consciousness. Fear and doubt are temporary human responses and they're a natural part of the journey.
When things get tough, take a step back. Try to see the bigger picture.
Trust in the process, because each challenge is a step closer to the ultimate union with your twin flame. Embrace the adventure, for it is a path filled with lessons, growth, and profound love.

Twin Flame Runner Denying Their Feelings? 🙈
Let me paint a picture. You’ve told your twin flame how you feel. They’ve reacted in a completely overblown way, they’re completely unaware of the connection, and now… they’re denying their feelings.
You’ll often be reminded that twin flames are always connected on some level.
This is entirely true. It’s also incredibly unhelpful when you’re dealing with the pain and anguish of the runner denying the connection that seems so obvious to you.
So why do they do it, and what can you do to help them understand? Find out here.
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