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- Major Results & Unspoken Love
Major Results & Unspoken Love
A collective reading, a channeled message and why do twin flames separate?

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!
Three times a week, I sit with this laptop (and at least one coffee) and pull all the parts together that make up our collective newsletter. Today, I realize that we might have gone a little overboard.
So, today’s newsletter is a little longer than usual, but this seems like a good time for this reminder: We want to provide as much value and guidance as we can, but not everything has to resonate.
Remember that your journey is unique, so each day, take what serves you and leave what doesn’t.
Further down the email (after three new videos, new Q&A and our new workbook) we have a new form for sharing your story with the community (if you’d like to see it here) and a form for anyone who wants to work with us on the Twin Flame Collective.
Here’s what we have for you today:
Collective Reading: Major Results Coming Your Way!
Divine Masculine Message: My Unspoken Love 💌
Letters to My Twin Flame
Why Do Twin Flames Separate? 💁♀️
A Message for the Divine Feminine

I taste the sweetness of our twin flame love, a nectar that nourishes my soul.
Twin Flame Collective Reading: Major Results Coming Your Way!

A new reading for the twin flame collective this week.
In today’s collective reading, Carla is looking at the healing and shadow work you’ve done, now bringing progress to your journey.
There’s a surprise plot twist that might catch you by surprise but will lead to a deeper level of commitment. It’s a high-energy reading this week and not one to miss.

Divine Masculine Message: My Unspoken Love 💌
If you find this message, it was sent to you for a reason. A message from the DM to the DF to help reach twin flame union. ❤️

My twin flame,
I’ve been longing to share everything with you, to show you the truth that’s been burning inside me. Here, in this intimate space, I’m ready to open up and show you my heart.
I’ve been carrying this truth heavily: the turmoil within me was never caused by you. You’ve been my beacon, my solid ground, guiding me with hope and encouragement.
My love for you is overwhelming, yet I’ve struggled to express it fully.

Letters to My Twin Flame

Our first guided workbook, Letters to My Twin Flame, is available to download!
55+ pages of guided prompts and affirmations to help you understand your connection better. It gives you a sacred space to help you understand your journey and gives you something to look back on in the future.
Existing members can download the workbook here (there’s also a quick guide on getting started). If you are not a member, you can unlock instant access here.
Why Do Twin Flames Separate? 💁♀️

You’re connected by an undying, unconditional, and neverending love, so why do twin flames separate?
We’ll talk about a few main reasons why you’re likely going through a separation phase.
It’s one of the most triggering phases of your journey. But it’s also one of the phases when you register quantum leaps in your spiritual growth and development.
That’s what we’re looking at today.

A Message for the Divine Feminine
Tools for Your Journey 🕯️
We can’t make the journey to union for you, but we can make some suggestions to make life easier.
Twin Flame Birth Chart Calculator: All you need is your birth details and that of your twin flame.
Personal DM to DF Message: Get a channeled message from your twin flame.
Bright Twin Flame Union Blueprint: A collection of guides and audio tools to help you further your path when you feel stuck.
[Tool] Channel a Message From Your Twin Flame: Get an immediate channeled message with our beta tool.
[Tool] Twin Flame Reading: Get an immediate twin flame reading with our custom deck.
Collective Review of the Day ❤️

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We don’t bite! (Unless you happen to be holding something tasty).
The Twin Flame Collective is exactly that. A collective. We invite you to share your story, work with us, or maybe you want someone to vent to?
Hit that reply button. Get in touch.