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- Key Decisions For Your Journey
Key Decisions For Your Journey
And can connections change?

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!
As we begin another month together, let's take a moment to honor the intense love, strength, and unity that binds us as twin flames. Your path, no matter how intricate and demanding, is proof of your unwavering commitment to growth and love.
Here’s what we have for you today:
A Tarot Spread for the Collective (Video session 📺)
Can Karmic Relationships Change? 🤔
Observe Your Thoughts

Trust the journey; your soul knows the path and the universe is orchestrating the perfect journey
Twin Flame Collective Reading (Video 📹)

A new reading for the twin flame collective this week.
You know that feeling when you’re standing at a crossroads, and you’re not quite sure which path to take? That’s what this reading is all about.
It’s like having two job offers, one in Chicago and one in Baltimore, and your Twin Flame is in Baltimore. You’re torn, and you feel a bit lost. But don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

Can Karmic Relationships Change? 🤔
I’ve been so confused about a connection I used to share with someone. I thought we were karmics and the relationship was toxic but looking back… I think they were trying to help. Could my karmic become a soulmate?
We’ve covered today’s Q&A question here.
The short answer is… no. But terminology on the twin flame path can become complicated and often misunderstood. So it is possible this person was a soulmate (or a twin flame).
You can see the full detailed answer here.

Observe Your Thoughts

The act of observing our thoughts instead of being immersed in them can have a profound impact on our twin flame journey (not to mention the rest of your life). When we get entangled in our thoughts, they often feel like turbulent, crashing waves. They can overwhelm us, causing emotional turbulence and clouding our judgment.
It's easy to get caught up in the waves of worry, fear, doubt and insecurity that arise. However, we have the power to step back and simply observe our thoughts rather than being immersed in them. This allows us to gain perspective and clarity.
When we're able to witness our thoughts with mindfulness and curiosity, we realize they are not permanent truth. They are simply passing storms within our minds. This helps us respond thoughtfully rather than reacting impulsively when challenges emerge in our twin flame connection.
By developing the skill of observation, we can ride out any thought or feeling without judgement. We also set the stage for deeper inner wisdom to arise. With regular practice, we learn to anchor in stillness and equanimity amidst the ups and downs. We access our inner compass to guide us towards unconditional love. By observing rather than battling our thoughts, we transform our journey.
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