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- You Are An Inseparable Part Of My Being
You Are An Inseparable Part Of My Being
And aligning you with the universe

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!
I have a small thought exercise for you to try out this weekend for those of you trying to actively further your twin flame journey.
Inverted thinking. We’re wired to see threats rather than opportunities.
Inverted thinking is simply flipping a problem or question on its head. Instead of asking, “How can I make my twin flame come back?” you might ask, “What actions are keeping my twin flame away?“
It’s a subtle shift but it can unlock some major breakthroughs.
It can let you identify opportunities for positive change that you might have missed with more traditional thinking.
Our coaching is now booked for the next couple of weeks, but we plan to open up more slots in July for those who want to work with someone on practices like this.
Here’s what we have for you today:
Aligning Intentions With the Universe
Divine Masculine Message: You Are An Inseparable Part Of My Being
Why Do Twin Flame Runners Disappear Out of the Blue?

Aligning Intentions With the Universe

Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.
Twin flames are especially capable of manifesting their desires and working with the universe.
Speak your desires into the universe and brace yourself for the incredible shifts that follow.
Remember, the path to union is often filled with tests and challenges. But when you align your intentions and remain open, the universe steps in to support you.
You are not alone on this path. Trust that every step you take brings you closer to divine union. The universe is listening and ready to help you manifest your deepest desires.
Want some specific follow-through advice? Let our union blueprint guide you on how to actually change your path. Once you fully and truly believe and practice it, it is so freeing.

Divine Masculine Message: You Are An Inseparable Part Of My Being
If you find this message, it was sent to you for a reason. A message from the DM to the DF to help reach physical union. ❤️
My twin flame,
Reaching out to you feels like threading a needle with a heartstring, delicate and precise.
I’ve been longing to share my life with you, yet it feels like so much time has passed us by.

Why Do Twin Flame Runners Disappear Out of the Blue?

Let's talk about the biggest cowards on the planet – the twin flame runners. Seriously, being outspoken isn't that difficult.
I get it, feeling overwhelmed, not wanting to 'give in,' and avoiding vulnerability are classic self-sabotage moves when it comes to true love. But why do runners have to vanish without a trace? It's ridiculous how often this pattern shows up among twin flames (yep, I've been ghosted too 😂).
Nobody is forcing them into a relationship, really. Wouldn't it be more civil to provide some closure and say something like, "Hey, I'm feeling overwhelmed.
This connection is a bit intense. I'd like to take some time to myself and ponder." Are they so terrified they can't even speak up? They could still disappear, but at least it would be nice to allow the other person to move on.
Not that a twin flame can truly move on, but the whole ghosting thing adds an extra ton or two to this already heavy load.
It can be confusing to deal with the emotions and actions of the runner, but understanding their feelings is important, too. They’re not trying to hurt you but they usually don’t understand the energy either.
If you’re struggling for guidance, maybe charting your journey together or a message from them can help.

Make Real Change on Your Love Story ❤️
Don’t get stuck in the endless cycle of separation. These are some things you can do to help further your path and make real change.
Twin Flame Collective Pro: Our collection of extended content & a DIY course on understanding and progressing through the path.
Twin Flame Birth Calculator: Chart your love story through the stars with a twin flame specific natal chart.
DM to DF Message: Get a channeled message from your mirror soul.
Done For You Reiki Session: Let us help clear blockages and hear the energetic pathways between you.
Collective Review of the Day ❤️

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