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Higher Level Commitment
A reading, the purpose of twin flames and a look at twin flames cheating

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!
It's midweek, and I want to acknowledge the strength and determination of this incredible community.
Your resilience in navigating the intricate paths of your twin flame journey is inspiring. Keep pushing forward. We are with you every step of the way.
Here’s what we have for you today:
A Tarot Spread for the Collective (Video session 📺)
The (Real) Purpose of Twin Flames ⚡️
Twin Flames Cheating? ❤️🩹

Embrace the unknown with an open heart, for it is in the mystery that twin flames find their truest connection and deepest love.
Twin Flame Collective Reading (Video 📹)

A new reading for the twin flame collective this week.
Diving into the energy that the collective is dealing with to see what’s coming our way.
This reading is all about the journey of the twin flame collective, and it’s got some pretty interesting insights. It starts off with the Page of Cups and Queen of Cups cards, which hint at some synchronicities and number patterns that might pop up in your life.
These are signs of progress, so keep an eye out!

The (Real) Purpose of Twin Flames ⚡️
Beyond the intoxicating dance of a loving romance, twin flames offer a catalyst for profound personal evolution. It’s not just about your connection with your twin, but this path can help you develop far more than you might realize.
And we’ve touched on this before, but we’re finally going into more detail here.
Today, we venture beyond the twin flame facade, unveiling its higher purpose.
It’s all too easy to focus on the here and now. The 3D parts of the journey. Especially if you’re going through intense and emotional moments.
But sometimes looking through these moments and appreciating what this path really means can help you push through it.

Twin Flames Cheating? ❤️🩹
With the intricate dance of souls that defines twin flame relationships, does the concept of infidelity with twin flames even have a place?
Or does this spiritual connection transcend such earthly indiscretions?
Things get interesting when we start trying to apply ‘normal’ labels to a connection that transcends that norm. On the other hand, there’s also a potential trap you might fall in.
Does this apply to your journey? Learn more here.
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Hit that reply button. Get in touch.