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- Harmonizing Energies, No Contact and a Karmic Story
Harmonizing Energies, No Contact and a Karmic Story
A Reading For The Twin Flame Collective And A Story From Ele

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!
I hope you recognize today the incredible energy that radiates from within you. 💖✨
Here’s what we have for you today:
A Tarot Spread for the Collective (Video session đź“ş)
Twin Flame Q&A: No Contact Advice 🙋‍♀️
Twin Flame Story: My Karmic Tried to Give Me to My Twin Flame đź“–

It is not your job to worry about what your twin flame is thinking or doing. Release your fear, doubt and anxiety. Your mission is to live a life that furthers you and those you choose to allow in your life. If your intention is to trigger your twin you are still not acting in your own true north.
Twin Flame Collective Reading (Video đź“ą)
A look at the energy for the twin flame collective this week.
The cards are pointing us toward divine intervention or an unexpected energy upgrade for twin flames. There are also signs of harmonizing energy bringing divine counterparts together.
There’s also some pretty stern advice here. A blockage is holding us back from union (and what we can do about it).

Twin Flame Q&A: No Contact Advice 🙋‍♀️

Can you post about “no contact”/separation advice?
I’m separated but we’re not officially in “no contact.” We didn’t block each other or have an ugly fight. We both decided our 3D relationship wasn’t working for us. We have healing to do. We both have commitment issues to work through. I believe we can do that as a couple but he doesn’t agree. Hence, we went our separate ways but saying we’d be there for each other no matter what. If I feel called to reach out, should I? I don’t want to disturb his peace or chase him.
I thought we’d touch on this one briefly today. I think we’ll write a full column about this at one point soon, but for the sake of keeping it brief in the newsletter, let’s cover the important parts.
It’s tough to know how to handle this situation, and the hard truth is there is no one size fits all answer.
Your pull to reach out to them might be a symptom of them wanting you to reach out. Or it might trigger them to run even further.
Intuitively, you already know the right answer, but sometimes longing and emotional pain can disguise themselves as intuition, and you don’t know what to do.
We need to get you into the right headspace. I’d suggest at least skimming these:
Terminology for twin flames is always mixed up (and I don’t like to get too bogged down on it). On some level, you’re both already chasing each other, and there’s nothing you can do wrong to change that.
On the other hand, pushing too quickly to try and create physical contact can create further anguish and delay union.
Instead, take that focus inward.
I know I keep saying this. Getting broad and useless advice is one of the things I just wrote about. But try to trust me on this.
You can truly do this when you stop worrying about messaging them or what they post on social media. It’s the moment they are the ones to message you.
I know that removing this focus is incredibly hard. I’m never trying to diminish the pain that separation can cause.
But I do know how much this can help.
As a temporary band-aid, practices like guided meditations, astral projection, automatic writing, or even journaling can help you lean into the unspoken and non-physical communication between you.
For Twin Flame Collective Pro members, we’re almost ready with our session on how to use automatic writing to channel messages yourself and our extended readings try to do this for the collective as a whole.

Community Story: My Karmic Tried to Give Me to My Twin Flame đź“•
This twin flame story comes from Ele on the forum, at a different stage to some of our previous stories and a unique situation with her karmic actually trying to give her to her twin flame at one point.
I was in a relationship with my karmic partner for eight years before I met my twin flame. For eight years, we tried having a baby, but it just didn’t happen for us.
Long story short, I moved to Canada with my karmic partner in 2021. This was when I met my twin flame at my workplace. I know I’m meant to come to a foreign country to meet him.
At work, we were just strangers. But then I needed to perform work that would allow me to go on a trip. It always happened that he is the designated driver for all my trips.
The universe’s way of bringing us closer. We were just good friends and co-workers for 5 months, we didn’t know about the connection yet. Until my karmic partner decided to fulfill his wild dreams (asking my twin flame) to come over to our apartment on Friday night so the 3 of us can hang out together. It started with just karaoke sessions of the 3 of us after having dinner. Talking and chatting. My karmic partner is sort of trying to give me to my twin.
You can read the full story here.
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