Why We Don't Suggest the Mirror Exercise

Your birthright of extraordinary love...

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!

As I prepare today’s email, my own twin and I are in a freezing city. I’m being told it is too soon for Christmas music and blinking colored lights. In my defense, there is snow on the ground, and I’m feeling festive.

I know they’ll like the lights and the music when they’re up. I also know that they’ll help me untangle these lights once mulled wine is involved.

But early next week, we’ll upload some festive-themed guided meditations into the Union Blueprint.

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • Divine Masculine Message: By Exploring Our Shadows, Our Love Shines Brighter

  • Your Birthright of Extraordinary Love

  • Stuff You Might Have Missed 😊

  • Why We Don't Suggest the Mirror Exercise

The spiritual connection between twin flames transcends the physical realm, proving that love is indeed the language of the universe.

Daily Goddess Guidance

Divine Masculine Message: By Exploring Our Shadows, Our Love Shines Brighter

If you find this message, it was sent to you for a reason. A message from the DM to the DF to help reach physical union. ❤️

My cherished divine counterpart,

As I traverse the depths of my soul, where your light has cast its resplendent glow, I find myself confronted with the profound realization that our twin flame journey is not just our own.

We are but two stars in a vast cosmos, our destinies intertwined with the fabric of a greater design, a cosmic dance choreographed by forces beyond our mortal comprehension.

In the quietude of introspection, I have come to understand that the reflections we cast in each other’s lives serve as mirrors of growth, catalysts for our evolution.

Your Birthright of Extraordinary Love

Embrace the fire that is your love. Your hearts are not meant for the tame or the tepid.

You seek a bond that sets the sky ablaze, that dances wildly with the stars. Remember, your connection is not just a mere spark but a cosmic conflagration. Let it burn bright and fearless, for twin flame love is not just love—it's a revolution of the soul.

In this journey, hold fast to the vision of that mad, passionate, extraordinary love. It is your birthright, your destiny.

Do not settle for shadows when you are meant for the sunlight. The path to divine union is strewn with the embers of lesser things, but you, beloveds, are the phoenixes rising from them. Let every step be a declaration: only a love that shakes the foundations will do.

Keep this sacred truth close to your heart as you navigate the days ahead. Your love story is not written in the ink of the ordinary but with the flames of the extraordinary.

Stuff You Might Have Missed 😊

You never know what might ‘click’ and change things for your journey. Did you miss these? Do any of them speak to you today?

Why We Don't Suggest the Mirror Exercise

On your twin flame journey, you’ve likely encountered the mirror exercise.

It was touted (and used) as a method to clear the blocks between you and your twin flame, enhance communication and reflect your inner world through your twin flame.

But there are some definite reasons to avoid this technique.

Though we’re interested to hear if you have had positive experiences with it.

Tools for Your Journey ⚡️

We can’t make the journey to union for you, but we can make some suggestions to make life easier.

Collective Review of the Day ❤️

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