Dark Night of the Soul Opens the Way

And seeing your birthday numbers

Warmest welcome, radiant spirit!

We’re working hard behind the scenes to bring something new to help the collective but for today, we have a new session from Carla designed to help those who’s twin is not yet awakened to the journey.

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • Collective Reading: Dark Night of the Soul Opens the Way

  • Astral Flame Activation & Recognition

  • Open Letter: Dear Twin: I know It’s Going to Be Okay…

  • Message From Your Twin 💌

  • Do Twin Flames Have Similar Life Experiences?

Twin Flame Collective Reading: Dark Night of the Soul Opens the Way

Carla is looking at an opening in your path together in today’s reading.

In this collective tarot reading, I delved into the current energetic dynamics surrounding us, and I must admit, the revelations carry a hefty weight.

Let’s cut right to the chase: we’re in the midst of some thick, heavy energy. Many of you might find yourselves at a crossroads, feeling compelled to make tough choices regarding personal connections or life directions.

Astral Flame Activation & Recognition

Carla has a new session today. Specific for anyone stuck waiting for their twin flame to ‘wake up’.

  • Trigger the runner’s awakening. Deep down, they already know what you are together.

  • Deep blockage removal. We’re working to remove the current energetic blockages between you both.

  • Anchoring together. Binding you both together and anchoring your energy to the other.

The session (and others) are available on Twin Flame Collective Pro. Existing members can access the session here.

Open Letter: I Know It’s Going to Be Okay…

In the soft glow of the screen, tears unseen, a lonely sheen, whispering longing for your warmth, my heart yearns for your arm's embrace.

Even though I manage a smile, it's fueled by the hope that soon enough, we'll be reunited. You're constantly on my mind, every second of every day, and I'm grateful for the moment you brought peace to my troubled thoughts. Your presence has carved a special place in my heart, a place that will always belong to you.

I've learned to take things slow, understanding that with a little patience, we can overcome any hurdle life throws our way. Our strong and unwavering love will be our guiding light during these challenging times. Sitting here in my lonely space, I can't help but feel incomplete without you by my side. But I'm ready to wait, baby, as long as it takes, for the day when we can be together again.

Time might be unyielding, but it won't dictate the pace of our love. We have the strength and determination to weather any storm and come out even stronger. I understand that the world around us might not always be the most nurturing environment for our love, but I refuse to let it stand in the way of what we share.

Even though the lights may shine bright, our love shines even brighter. We possess the courage and passion to make it work, to never fake our emotions, and to stand strong together. In the spaces we find ourselves, the names may change, but our love remains constant.

I have no time for games, for I need you and yearn for nothing more than to have you by my side. With every ounce of patience I can muster, I'll wait for you, knowing that our love will guide us through. I love you more than words can express, and I long for the day when we can be together forever.

Message From Your Twin 💌

Do Twin Flames Have Similar Life Experiences?

Twin flames undoubtedly share a bond deeper than most. But how often do their life experiences echo the same tales of love, loss, challenge, and growth?

Does having similar life experiences confirm that this is your true twin flame? If your lives have gone their separate ways, does this mean they are not the one?

Sometimes, twin flames do have syncs in their life path, but they’re not always as obvious as you might expect. Sometimes, these life experiences are divided for a specific purpose.

Tools for Your Journey 🕯️

We can’t make the journey to union for you, but we can make some suggestions to make life easier.

Collective Review of the Day ❤️

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